Legal Disclaimer

Legal disclaimer

By browsing the Aesthetica website, and / or by viewing the content of this website both on and off-line, you agree with the following terms and understand that:

  • The information contained on this website is by no means sufficient for self-diagnosis and is not intended to provide a medical diagnosis, treatment, or causes of medical problems that relate to skin care and skin problems in any way.
  • It is the responsibility of the website user or reader of the information obtained from this website to make an informed decision, something that is not possible by simply reading through this website.
  • It is still recommended that you consult with a doctor before you apply any of the treatments or products referred to on this website.
  • Aesthetica denies liability for the completeness and correctness of any information provided on this website.
  • In the event where copyrighted material is used that such copyright and credits are included in the material contained on this website. Copyright violation is a serious offence and should it be suspected that copyright infringement occurs on this website it should be reported to Aesthetica as such occurrence(s) are unintentional and will be corrected.

Aesthetica strongly recommends that you consult your doctor and certified professionals before making any decisions regarding your appearance and health.

Copyright notice (Aesthetica 2017)

All rights, including copyright, in the content of these web pages are owned by Aesthetica Skin Centre unless expressly stated otherwise.

In accessing the Aesthetica ( web pages you agree that you are not allowed to download, copy, or distribute the information without Aesthetica written consent.

The materials contained in this site are protected by copyright under the laws of the Republic of South Africa, including but not limited to the Berne Convention, and all treaties and conventions pertaining to intellectual property rights to which the Republic of South Africa is a signatory.

Privacy Policy

Information Collection: Sources of Information

Aesthetica collects information from our web site visitors who decide to opt-in (subscribe) to free products or services if and when they are available. This may include newsletters, e-books, articles etc. We also collect information from our subscribers and customers deciding to complete our periodical surveys. From customers (i.e. individuals or businesses) purchasing some of our products or services, we only collect enough information from our customers to complete financial transactions. In some instances, where deemed necessary, we might also collect information from our subscribers and customers to help us determine their demographics and personal profiles, without being too personal. However, these information fields are not mandatory fields but optional where possible. We also collect information from those who communicate with us via email.

Type of Information Collected

In some instances, where deemed necessary, we might collect information from our subscribers and customers to help us determine their demographics and personal profiles. However, these information fields are not mandatory fields but optional where possible. We also collect information (just e-mail addresses) from those who communicate with us via email. Information fields we collect or might collect (for both mandatory and optional as well as financial or non-financial transaction fields) are: Name, surname (last name), age, sex, e-mail address, physical address, postal address, city, country, telephone and fax numbers.

Use of Telephone Numbers

Customers who supply us with their telephone numbers online, will only receive telephone contact from us with information regarding orders, queries and comments they have placed on-line or if they have requested us to contact them.

Ad Servers

We do not partner with or have special relationships with any ad-server companies. Advertisements seen on our web site are generated and stored on our own server and are placed on the web site as a result of paid advertising or an effort to promote products and services offered by Aesthetica Skin Centre.

Identification Methods 

In order to maintain an active connection with a visitor, subscriber or customer or for the automatic identification of a visitor, subscriber or customer who has visited a particular site or previously accessed particular content, we use identification methods like HTTP cookies where needed on our web site or via our services and products.

Use of Information

Information may be used to enhance, evaluate, or else review our website, services, products, or market. The information we collect is only used for internal review and used to improve the content of our website, services, products, or market information. We also use it to notify subscribers and customers about updates to our website.

In addition we share it with agents or contractors who support our internal operations. This web site, entities for whom it is acting as an agent, and/or entities acting as its agent have access to this information. An agent is defined by us as a third party that processes data only for the completion of the stated purpose, such as on-line transaction processing service providers, our authorised retailer of goods and services. We also use it to contact subscribers and customers for marketing purposes.

Disclosure of Information

We do NOT share subscribers' and customers' proprietary information with other organizations for commercial purposes. We only disclose it when we are legally required to do so, at the request of governmental authorities conducting an investigation, to verify or enforce compliance with the policies governing our web site and applicable laws or to protect against the misuse or unauthorized use of our web site. We might also disclose it to a successor entity in connection with a corporate merger, consolidation, sale of assets or other corporate change respecting the web site.

Unanticipated Use of Information

From time to time, we may use subscribers' and customers' information for new, unanticipated uses not previously disclosed in our privacy policy. If our information practices change at some time in the future we will post the policy changes to our web site to notify you of these changes and provide you with the opportunity to opt out of these new uses. If you are concerned about how your information is used, you should refer back to our web site periodically.

Proprietary Information

Upon request we will provide our subscribers and customers with access to the information (i.e. their proprietary information) that we maintain about them. We will NOT provide proprietary information to third parties.

Subscribers and customers can access this information by contacting us through the prescribed contact methods on this website. Subscribers and customers can have their information corrected by using our prescribed contact methods.

Contact Information

If you feel that this site is not following its stated privacy policy, please contact us.